"Do I need Massage Therapy?"

...sometimes it can be difficult to know when or if massage therapy can be helpful and what for.

Registered Massage Therapists are healthcare providers so we can help alleviate pain, soreness, stiffness and bring you some relaxation if your feeling stressed. You can always call us or use our form in our "Contact" page to ask us about your specific needs or concerns. We are always ready and willing to help. 

Massage Therapy is Healthcare

Where Healing Begins

Registered Massage Therapists are trained and educated in healthcare. Massage therapy can help with musculoskeletal issues, neuropathies, as well as chronic issues and more. 

Life can be stressfiul and sometimes you just need a quick getaway to decompress, and let go of what you no longer need so you can get back to what really matters.  If you're not sure if massage therapy is for you, dont hesitate to ask us. RMTs are the best to ask about what an RMT can do for you.

Ask us now

What Are Musculoskeletal Issues?

Musculoskeletal refers to the bones and muscles in the body. Our muscles help us move our bones, and if there are any issues our body communicates that as muscle soreness, joint stiffness or both. Massage Therapy works with skin on skin contact, so your therapist will touch the areas where you feel you need help directly as well as inform you of opposite muscle groups that may be affecting the areas where you feel your discomfort. Massage Therapist should be taking the time to inform you on how muscles group work together to create movement in the body and therefore how treatment in certain areas can be beneficial for your particular issue.


I.E. Scoliosis; Tennis Elbow; Golfers Elbow; Whiplash;